Top tips for a comfortable adventure

I’ve been on my fair share of long flights, coach journeys and trips abroad and however exciting the adventure might be, the journey is not always comfortable. Reflecting on my previous travels, I have compiled for you my top tips for a comfortable adventure!

Bring a blanket and/or shawl

Planes are always cold and long waits and travelling is tiring! If you don’t want to pack your favourite snuggly blanket, then take one off the plane; they usually provide them on long haul flights. This is a life saver when travelling. While you’re at it, you may as well take the little pillow to…and stuff the blanket into the case.

If you don’t have space for a blanket, a shawl works too! These are also essential for covering up to avoid mosquitoes or when entering places of worship.


If you haven’t already stolen a pillow off the plane, then a folded jumper works well as a substitute. Also, a bag stuffed with clothes well too if you’re staying there for a while.

Toilet roll or tissues

Absolutely essential. I have been to many a public toilet/hole in the ground where toilet roll has not been provided or has run out. It is much more comfortable to be prepared and bring your own. Trust me. Also…you might get a cold/runny nose from all that recycled air on the plane…

Keep moving your feet and ankles

I have found in the past that on long coach journeys my ankles swell up, especially in hot countries! Rotating the ankle joint and moving your feet helps to reduce this. If possible, try to elevate your feet or stand up and walk around for a bit too.

If you have room, say, if you’re lucky enough to be sat next to the emergency exit on the plane, then make use of the space! Do some stretches or maybe even some yoga? Yes, you may look slightly odd, but it is honestly worth it.

Take socks on the plane

As previously mentioned, it gets cold up there! Cold feet are not nice, but neither is wearing shoes for a long time…therefore socks are the perfect solution!

Flip flops are great too but be careful of the socks and flip flops combo…this should only be tried in the most extreme of circumstances (such as when you’re trying to stop flies landing on your infected mosquito bites…or you need to walk to the plane toilet but can’t be bothered to put proper shoes on!).

Notebook and pen

Many games can be played with these simple tools. They could also come in useful for writing down directions, places to visit and many more things…the possibilities are endless!


Bring basic toiletries such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, a flannel and deodorant with you when on the road (or in the sky). Trust me, they make you feel so much fresher on a long journey!

Take a bottle

If you’re travelling somewhere with safe drinking water, it is much cheaper (and better for the environment!) to refill than to keep buying bottled water. A reusable bottle will last longer, but if you don’t have one then just keep reuse one after buying bottled water.

Buy snacks

Fairly self-explanatory but it isn’t particularly nice to be hungry! If you don’t know when your next food stop will be then snacks are vital in the quest against travel hunger…and boredom (if you boredom eat like me!).


Not so much an essential, but can make sleeping in the day or on a lit plane a lot easier.

Hair bands and bandannas

This is more for the long of hair, but obviously, you need hair bands or bandannas to keep your hair out of your face, which I generally find more comfortable. In my experience, french braids are the best and most comfortable way to keep your hair back.

Hair bands and bandannas can also be useful at other stages of adventure to tie things or hold them together. Bandannas can also double as an eyemask.

Pack a thin jumper

As you can probably tell, I am big into keeping warm. But a thin jumper is an essential extra layer as it doesn’t take up much space in your day sack but can transform your journey from being chilly and shivery to a nice, warm, comfortable one.

Well, that is everything I can think of for now, but I will update if I think of anything else! Please do add any of your tips in the comments! I hope you enjoyed this post and find it useful!

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