
Hello out there!

I realise it has been over two years since I last posted and I have been meaning to post for a while.

So in the last two years I have volunteered with Raleigh ICS in Tanzania on a water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) project, travelled to the Sabah region of Borneo, started university at Lancaster University and done a bit more travelling! Oh! And I have also seen a live hedgehog (very exciting)!!!

Hedgehog seen in Lancaster, June 2018.

This summer, I will be driving to Russia via Mongolia in the Mongol Rally with my team (No Spoilers). We are fundraising for three amazing charities: Cool Earth, Hearing dogs for deaf people and Help for Heroes. Please do check out our progress and updates on our No Spoilers blog!

As you can probably tell, I am very much into my travel so I will be writing travel posts too; I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed the journeys!

So anyway, I will be posting much more regularly on both wildlife and travel and I am so sorry it has taken me so long to post again!


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