
Charlotte in India

Hello and welcome to Wild World Witness! My name is Charlotte Ask and this is my blog site! I thought it might be a good idea just to write a little bit about myself, just to help us get to know each other better 🙂

I love nature and the wild and I’m fascinated by the way all species in an ecosystem are connected (in the circle of life…yes, I also love Disney…) and by the way they interact with other species and their environment. I guess it all started when I was 5 or 6, when I became fascinated by the woodlice living under the loose, rotting bark of the ancient apple tree in our garden and how they would frantically scurry around whenever the bark was lifted (usually by my little brother!). I now realise that this is a perfect example of photo kinesis and that they were moving randomly until they found an area of lower light intensity, and not because they were scared of my brother (although they probably were scared too!). Then came to snail obsession…and then the hours watching (and trying to photograph) the birds flying in and out of our bird box…and…the list goes on and on…I won’t bore you with the rest of it…

Biology Field Trip
Investigating species diversity in grassland environments.

I believe that we are stewards of the earth and so far, humans have abused this power. I think this quote from “Are we in the Midst of the Sixth Mass Extinction? A view from the World of Amphibians” (Wake & Vredenburg) pretty much sums everything up:

One weedy species has unwittingly achieved the ability to directly affect its own fate and that of most of the other species on this planet”

I am currently studying Ecology and Conservation at Lancaster University and my dreams are (in no particular order):

  • To meet David Attenborough
  • Make a wildlife documentary (at some point in my life)
  • Make a (good) difference to the world and work to save endangered species (especially Tigers!)
  • See a Tiger in the wild
  • Travel the world
  • Study species diversity and distribution in a rainforest
  • Discover a new species

So a perfect scenario would be making a nature documentary with David  Attenborough which involves travelling the world and exploring rainforests for research…and then discovering a new species while I’m there!

I also love elephants (I have a slight obsession) and bees (randomly) and I am an avid photographer.