Fish Head Dissection and giving a leaf a manicure (well…it doesn’t have hands…but oh well ;) )

Right, so in Biology we are studying the gas exchange system in plants and animals at the moment. We have already studied the human gas exchange system and as you may (well, probably won’t) know, I’ve already done a locust dissection to investigate the insect gas exchange system (feel free to read my post entitled … Continue reading Fish Head Dissection and giving a leaf a manicure (well…it doesn’t have hands…but oh well 😉 )


So, I was casually flicking through the “New Scientist” this morning, when one word in amongst a small column, (entitled “Dieting’s benefits, minus the starving”), caught my eye. This word was one which was fresh in my mind after having learnt about it the day before in a chemistry lesson. This word was “Ketone“. Now, … Continue reading Ketones